Sound Immersion with Sound Massage

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Friday 10/11/2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$40.00 Sound Immersion $40

Join Kirk Jones of Evolvlove Sound Therapy ( and Handpan Maestro Jed Blume ( for an immersive resonant experience of sound and vibration. Tone-matched gongs, handpans, and crystal bowls will create an enveloping soundscape while large bronze singing bowls are rung and sung on the body. This session is designed to clear energetic and muscle tension, guiding you to healing within and bringing you and your nervous system into deep restorative relaxation.
What to expect
Lying comfortably on your back with bolsters, props and blankets as additional support the vibrational performance happens as you relax. The pleasant polyphonic harmonies resonate out in all directions calming the mind and the body. The sounds smooth out the stress caused blockages, deficiencies, and excesses in the physical and energetic bodies. This clearing can be experienced as a feeling of vibrations, seeing colors and visions, revisiting memories, releasing emotions, dramatic pain relief, sudden pains may appear that soon vanish, re-awakening, re-energizing, re-balancing, feeling freedom from burden, and total relaxation. The results are unlimited. It must be experienced!!
This class will not offer movement but will include an extended savasana for deep relaxation. Bring your mat or use one of ours.

Pre-registration is highly recommended as spots are limited.

Jed Blume

Kirk Jones

Kirk Jones

Kirk Jones, owner of Evolvlove Sound Therapy, is a master sound healer and bioenergy therapist that uses the power of light, sound, and vibration to assist people to heal and harmonize in wholeness. Twenty years ago, Kirk awakened a memory, an unmistakable resonance with the power and beauty of the rich, ancient tones of bronze singing bowls.  Witnessing the vibrational influences on his spiritual and healing evolution, he chose to learn this sacred science to enhance the lives of others.

Jed Blume

Jed Blume is an established new age and world music composer based in Brattleboro, Vermont. Jed performs as a solo artist on Handpan and has been a lifelong student of drum kit.