We have transitioned to a new booking platform, Momence.
To reserve your spot on our new system go to our schedule and
with the same log-in email you can
reset your password to continue booking.

If you have any questions or need help logging in
please email info@villageyogavt.com or call 802-365-9642.


After competing as a professional synchronized swimmer and representing Brazil in two Olympic Games, Carolina performed with Cirque du Soleil and the renowned Dragone show Le Reve-the Dream for nearly 15 years. Pilates first came into her life as a conditioning method while performing in Las Vegas. She fell in love with the method as it provided all she needed to keep her body strong, flexible and supported.
Carolina got certified in Pilates Mat and Apparatus by DK Body Balance in Las Vegas in 2019. She has been teaching Pilates ever since while furthering her Pilates education as she believes the learning journey is endless.
Carolina's all-level mat Pilates class is a contemporary full body movement exploration that provides strengthening, flexibility and mobility while connecting body, mind and spirit.